Sunday 20 May 2012

Bill Cunningham

Last night I watched a documentary on Bill Cunningham, a well known fashion photographer. The film was not what I was expecting at all, I was expecting a big flashy phogographer who thinks he knows it all - takes good photographs, yes, but is also very loud and proud... Instead an old man, who seems shy and lovely, he knows what he likes and does what he likes and he's good at it.

Bill Cunningham is very well known as he is a fashion photograopher for The Times. He has really carved his own way in the fashion world, which I feel is really unique as so often people are copied and copied and copied. I really does what he loves and I think its fascinating. he doesn't follow trends himself, he follows the trends behind his camera. What I find really cool is that he only photographs outfits on the catwalk that he feels a woman would wear. Which I think says a lot about the fashion industry today. The docuamentary shows him out and about on his little bike doing his work for The Times - photographing fashion in action, fashion on the street. He photographs things that grab his attention and catch his eye, and he becomes obsessed with certain outfits or garments that he snaps a lot of.

If my collection were out there in the streets of New York, I really hope it would be photographed on the street, being worn and in the action - by him. To show that it is everyday kind of wear, its a little bit exciting, its comfy, it wearable and you can make it your own... 

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