Tuesday 22 May 2012

'Flame Lily' Print...

The Flame Lily, is the national flower of Zimbabwe. I have decided that I would really like to use the print in my collection fro several reasons.

The flame lily grew wild on our farm at the beginning of the rainy season and as a child Dad and I would go on big motorbike rides around the farm on the hunt for them to bring home. I feel that the plant is really beautiful and I think a really cool print could be created out of it. They have such a cool colour combination with their deep orangey reds, yellow and bright greens. They are like no other flower with their spindly structure and fire like structure.

To start off my print, I began by redrawing two different versions of the flame lily...
I repeated them, enlargended and decreased the size and created shapes and patterns, using the pattern tool on photoshop to help me..

I feel that this is a good start, however it looks like there really is something missing. They just dont quite seem right! And im not sure they weill 'go with' my earth crack pattern which could be an issue... I asked Jen Whitty what she though of them, and the feed back she gave was mostly positive, she liked the blue and white background ones the most.. Lathough, she did say that the blue and brown (darker colour options) looked a little halloweenish, the colours and the sort of fire shape gave off theis kind of feel to her - - - uh oh! Not what I want at all--- there is definitely something missing from the print or something not very right at all if this is what the look she is getting is! I need to woooork on it! 

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